Table of Contents
This tip is about the how To Utilise Kik. So read this free guide, How To Utilise Kik step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Utilise Kik – Guide
Now that you’ve downloaded and installed the Kik Messenger app to the device of your choice, as well as created your Kik account, you’re all set to use Kik Messenger! This lesson will guide you through what you can do in Kik Messenger, including how to login, many different ways to chat with people on Kik and even how to surf the internet on Kik for fun little things. IT’S. You can share with your friends on Kik!
After installing Kik App and Signup with your email address, you will access the dashboard. As a quick chat process, the Kik app will sync your contacts and show the contacts who are already using the Kik app. This way of being able to get in touch with the closest contacts
How to Upload media files on Kik App?
How to Find people on the kik app
How to Customize Kik Chat?
You can customize any specific chat in your kik app:
You can even activate dark mode in kik using the “Dark mode” theme from the collection of themes available in kik. It will be activated instantly.
How to Join group chat in the Kik app?
Kik users can join Group Chat in two ways:
Method 1:
Method 2:
How to Create private group on Kik?
Kik has a single feature to create a private group, you can hide the group from public using privacy feature.
How to enable / disable chat notifications
By default, Kik enables alerts for inbound or outbound chat based on recipient reachability
How to read text messages on Kik without them knowing
Kik does not include built-in feature to hide the message read reports. But you can actually read messages with a trick
How to Block someone in the kik app?
Final note
I hope you like the guide How To Utilise Kik. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.