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This tip is about the how to Write a iOS Vs Android Essay. So read this free guide, How to Write a iOS Vs Android Essay step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Write a iOS Vs Android Essay – Guide
Have you ever thought about how the smartphone has changed our lives? In today’s world, smartphone has become a very important device in our lives. Most of us look quickly phone every morning after we open our eyes to check our bank account, check email, chat with friends, read the news or see what’s happening on social media. Apple and Samsung are currently the most popular phone in this world of modern technology, and most of us are using Team iPhone or Team Android.
People wonder what’s so different between these two smartphones and which one to buy. The iPhone showed and proved the advantages, such as hardware and software integration, ease phone use and Apple pav. Points that can be kept in mind when writing an argumentative essay on iPhone VS Android are listed below.
How to Write an iOS vs Android essay
iOS and Android Analytics
It is fair to say that there are many similarities between the iOS and Android platforms. But the few differences that exist are enough to make consumers choose between the two. When comparing the Android-powered Galaxy Nexus to Apple’s iPhone 5, there were some notable differences. One small difference that gave Android a slight edge over IOS was the way notifications were handled.
The notification process was much easier to use on the Nexus as users could choose which selection, which notifications they wanted to delete from the list, and which they wanted to save for later. On the iPhone, there was pretty much just the option to keep or delete everything. Other feature that worked in favor of Android when comparing the two smartphones was the Play Store! Google’s Playstore is the equivalent of Apple’s Appstore. However, Google’s Playstore offers the ability to download apps, music, books, and movies all in one place, while Apple’s Appstore has each of these. features in different apps, which means the user has to go back to the app they want multiple times.
app developer
An app developer is the person responsible for turning a basic concept or idea into an app. There are several approaches to application development, but the main concept is to identify, create and define application requirements. Data structure considerations must be made and solutions to all application problems must be found. Customer requirements also play an important role in application development.
As there are already many apps, market research should be carried out to ensure that new apps are beneficial. IOS Developers As IOS is a closed operating system, the only way to develop applications for Apple is to use the Software Development Kit (SDK) and Xcode. Xcode contains everything needed to develop apps for iPhone, iPad and iPods. includes features as a source code editor, a graphical user interface editor, and more.
Easy to use
Another good reason that makes the iPhone a better device is its ease of use. In 2017, according to the website Statista, there were 223 million people in the US using a smartphone. And of those, 90 million used the iPhone. For example, iPhone has made everything easy on the device, everything is just a tap away, such as answering your call, sending text messages, downloading apps or music, playing games or other activities, also activating Siri.
we can praise and ask questions and the Siri process and provide the information about it, we also no longer have to worry about carrying debit or credit cards with this great feature called Apple Pay.
Final note
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