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This tip is about the how to Convert HEIC Image to JPG Format on an iPhone. So read this free guide, How to Convert HEIC Image to JPG Format on an iPhone. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Convert HEIC Image to JPG Format on an iPhone – Guide
To reduce space on the phone, Apple changed the pattern camera formats for photos and videos from JPG to HEIC (High-Efficiency Image Format) with iOS 11. Now this may be an old adjustment, but if you try to send photos and videos from your iPhone to yours laptop, you will find that you won’t open them as they are in HEIC format, which is generally not accepted.
Although HEIC stores quality photos in files smaller than JPG, converting HEIC images to JPG can be tedious. Also, in the camera application, Apple does not provide a way to adjust the default settings. To change formats you need to go to Settings. Here it is how to Knife.
Do you need to convert?
iOS and iPadOS are quite smart to handle HEIC / HEIF and JPG / JPEG conversion in real time. For example, when you attach an image to the Mail app or send it through an app, it passes as a JPG file. But there are times when it doesn’t work, for example when you AirDrop photos from your iPhone to your Mac. Overall, HEIC format is superior to JPEG format. He takes up Less space and supports 16-bit color capture instead of 8-bit. But it only works well as long as you stay in the Apple ecosystem.
If you also use Windows or Android devices, or are in a situation where you need to make sure your photos are in JPG format, you can use the following methods. If you want to revert to JPEG format as the default for new photos, you can change yours. camera Setup application capture format.
How to Convert HEIC photos to JPG using the Files app
You can do this directly from the Files app – no third-party apps are needed.
The simple act of copying photos from the Photos app and pasting them into a folder in the Files app converts the photos from HEIC format to JPG.
Many other apps can quickly convert HEIC images to JPEG files in the App Store. Some may contain advertisements or require payment. Search the app store and you’ll find them.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Convert HEIC Image to JPG Format on an iPhone. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.