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Today in this article we are going to discuss about the how to Fix the Most Annoying Things in Windows 11???????? Windows 11 is a mixed bag, as are many other things in life. The Windows operating system is finally updated by it: it looks great, it’s safe and fast, and it has some cool features features like the new pop-up window helper and a revamped taskbar. However, Windows also broke a few things in an effort to move forward. some of the new features are really annoying and make no sense.
Despite Microsoft’s efforts to portray Windows 11 as an upgrade from Windows 10, thanks to its new design, many users consider it worse than Windows Vista.
It’s because Windows 11 mainly focuses on improving design, drastically degrading usability and productivity. The following features are considered the worst of Windows 11, leaving many users angry and dissatisfied with this updated operating system. We have mentioned below steps to fix most annoying things in Windows 11
Ways to Fix the Most Annoying Things in Windows 11
End automatic restarts
Most of the user’s control over Windows’ regular and seemingly never-ending updates is lost (unless you disable updates completely, which is a bad idea). What’s worse is that Windows will automatically restart your computer if you don’t after an update. This is an easy method to lose data in open apps.
Use the Active Hours (opens in a new window) option, which lets you choose a time for updates and restarts. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Change Active Hours in Windows 11???????? Click Change and choose a start and end time to define your period. Alternatively, enable the option to automatically modify this device’s active hours based on activities.
Stop Sticky Keys
sticky keys, one feature of Windows, allows you to create keyboard shortcuts by pressing a single key at a time, as opposed to all of them simultaneously. You must repeatedly press the Shift key five times to use Sticky Keys (so it will work with any combination that includes Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Windows keys).
It can be frustrating if you accidentally activate it by pressing “yes” in a dialog without thinking, for example. On Windows 10, go to Settings > Ease of Access > Keyboard and check the box next to Allow hotkey to launch StickyKeys or turn off Use StickyKeys to prevent this from happening by pressing Shift five times quickly.
Descaling the UAC
Since Windows Vista, User Account Control (UAC) has protected users so that the operating system can quickly grant administrator access to software developers who need it, particularly during software installation and uninstallation. In the past, when performing an install, the screen would suddenly go dark and everything would seem to stop, causing several (anecdotal, probably false) heart attacks between members of the public. While UAC is still present and still causes the desktop to dim, you still have the option of disabling it, or at least preventing the screen from dimming whenever a new warning arrives.
Use an offline/local account
Microsoft recommends that you log into Windows using the account connected to all things Microsoft, such as your Xbox, Office 365 or OneDrive account, making software, music or video purchases from the Windows Store, or even using Skype, to name a few. some . When installing Windows 10 or 11, Microsoft recommends that you sign in with this account.
Windows 10 does not require this. Select Skip this step during setup. To access Your information if you are already signed in with a Microsoft account, go to Settings > Accounts???????? Click Sign in using a local account instead. Enter a new password and name for a local account (and a hint for when you forget it).
Final Words
So here we conclude our article on how to Fix the most annoying things in Windows 11. Soon, Windows 11 will be one year old and release its first feature to update. However, I’m not sure how many people will be attending the party, based on what I understand from early users’ response. It doesn’t take long to find a steady stream of complaints about Windows 11 on support forums and other online communities.