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This tip is about the how to Extract APK File of Any App on Android. So read this free guide, How to Extract APK File of Any App on Android step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Extract APK File of Any App on Android – Guide
Extracting APK files on Android (the system files for the Android apps) can usually not be meaningful as long as we have a stable and fast connection, but consider when disconnected or the app is removed from the app stores. However, not very lucky, it’s great to have an APK record saved as a backup of any application, so that we can install it or send it to companions at any point we want. For example, flappy bird was one of the most loved games on Android, but as it has been pulled from Google Play Store, we can no longer install it on our Android device. However, imagine how great it would be to assume we have your APK system log saved!
How to Extract APK file from any application on Android
Extract APK file of any app on your Android
The logic is simple, make a backup of the apps. Now for backup I don’t mean to do a full backup (which also includes the app data) but a regular backup which will only include the APK file. Alternatively, you can also download the APK from third-party sources. We’ll cover both methods here.
apk extractor
Before we move on to other apps and methods, I’m sure most of you only need to extract the APKs once or twice. So it makes no sense to spend time and energy on applications on methods that have more features that you can never use. This app shows a list of all apps installed on your phone, including system applications. All you have to do is tap and it’s saved.
other pieces of features include a dark mode, multi apk extraction, change saved path, share apks, in-app file directory and much more. There is only one downside that the app shows banner ads which you can easily bypass with your network turned off. If you want to remove ads for a day, there is an option to watch reward video or you can become premium for less than $1.
Using File Explorer
On Android, you can easily backup all your apps using a free file manager app called File Explorer, a popular app for managing all your files and folders. If you haven’t installed it yet. Go ahead and download Flashlight + Clock File Manager from the Play Store. Once installed, launch it from the menu. On the main screen, tap on the “Apps” option. This is where all apps will be listed by File Explorer.
Now, tap and hold the app you want to backup. You can even select multiple apps if needed. Once selected, tap on the “Backup” option that appears on the bottom navigation bar. This action will backup the selected apps, tap on “Open” option to see the backup up applications. This action will take you to the backup location on your Android device.
Using AirDroid
This is the best method if you want to store the APK on your computer. As it is a browser based service, it is platform independent and works on all platforms such as Windows, macOS, Linux or any other as long as you have a browser. AirDroid is a free app that lets you manage your Android device using a computer’s browser. Besides, you can also use it to make a backup of your installed apps.
Start by installing AirDroid from the Google Play Store. After installation, open the application. It will ask you to login, this is optional, both your computer and Android are connected to the same WiFi network. Otherwise, you will have to create a free Airdroid account. For this example I have my phone and computer on the same network, then I will tap the Skip option in the top right corner to skip the login process. Once done, give all necessary permission.
And follow the simple instructions to connect your Android device to your computer’s browser. In general, if your computer and Android are connected to the same WiFi network, you will see an IP address when you open the app. Type the IP address displayed in the computer’s address bar and press Enter to connect and open AirDrod on your computer.
Once connected, click the “Applications” icon, select all the apps you want to backup up to your computer and click the “Download” button button. As soon as you click on button, AirDroid will extract the APK files of all selected apps and download them to your computer as a single zip file. That’s it. It’s so simple to extract an app’s APK using AirDroid.
Extracting APK directly from Google play
Unlike other methods on this list that extract APK files directly from apps installed on your Android device, this method allows you to extract the APK directly from the Google Play Store. To get the APK file, go to this web tool, copy and paste the Google Play URL of the app and click the button button “Generate download link.”
As soon as you click on button, the web app will fetch the APK file and provide the download link. Just click on it to download the APK file. As it is fetching the APK file directly from the Play Store, you don’t have to worry about infected files. However, you may face some website issues due to annoying pop-ups.up Ads. But overall, I’ve been using this online tool for months and it always works perfectly.
Download from online fonts
Well guess what, if you need an APK, you don’t need to extract it from the app. You can probably find this APK online. Just do a simple Google search with the name of the app followed by “APK”. This method will save you some time if you only need one APK file. There are many online sources that bundle APK files of popular apps with malware. So make sure you only download the APK from legitimate sources. A good place to look will be sites like APKmirror. The good thing about these online repositories is that you can find any version of the app you want, even if it is 2 years old.
How to Find APK files on Android Phone
If you have a rooted Android device, there is no need to download any third-party apps to extract APK files. Just open File Manager on your Android, give Root access and navigate to the following directory depending on Android phone You have.
/data/app /data/app-private /system/app/
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Extract APK File of Any App on Android. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.