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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘PS4 When It Won’t Turn On’ Issue. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘PS4 When It Won’t Turn On’ Issue step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘PS4 When It Won’t Turn On’ Issue – Guide
It could be a problem with your device’s hard drive, software, or power supply. Depending on the problem, it might be necessary to replace the hard drive, or it might be as simple as using a different power supply. Because of this, it’s important to troubleshoot before going to the professionals and potentially spend money trying to figure out what’s wrong. Unplugging the power cord for at least 30 seconds and then plugging it back in can help resolve issues by acting as a quick reset. The power cord plugs into the back of the PS4 or you can unplug it at the other end of the outlet if you prefer.
If you’re still having trouble turning on your PS4, the problem could be with the power cord. Replacing it will help you find out if this was preventing the device from turning on or if the problem lies elsewhere. You can also try connecting other devices to these power sources to test if they work. If you don’t have an alternate outlet available and the one you’re using has a reset button you can also try pressing that button for troubleshooting.
Disconnect the power cord
Connect the console to the wall outlet
If you are using a power strip, unplug the power cord and plug it into the wall outlet to try it out. Some power strips are simply not built for the amount of power a PS4 will take.
Restart PS4 in Safe Mode
Final note
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