End of the Line’s bow, which is made out of a real fish, is properly called, yet, like the Luxurious Sea Lord claymore, it’s difficult not to enjoy taking down adversaries by striking them with a large aquatic monster. Unfortunately, End of the Line is not obtainable through an event; similarly to The Catch polearm from Inazuma, obtaining this bow will require a significant amount of fishing.
But it’s not a terrible weapon. End of the Line is a four-star that grants an improvement to energy recharge as a substat and activates Flowrider whenever an elemental skill is used, dealing 80% attack as AoE damage when you hit an opponent, up to three times. If you’re a no-spend player and want a few more damage-based options, it’s worth getting if you intend to build any archers in the future. We mentioned below are the steps to get the End of the Line fish bow in Genshin Impact.
Steps to get the End of the Line fish bow in Genshin Impact
Fish exchanges are made for the “End of the Line” to Loumelat, which is above Port Ormos.
To get the “End of the Line” bow, come to Loumelat with:
Each fish can be caught using Sugardew Bait, and the recipe can be bought from Loumelat with 3 medakas. To craft ten Sugardew Bait, you’ll need:
To refine “End of the Line,” you’ll have to grab the “Original Fish Ointment” item from her. For each refinement, you’ll need:
For ascension, “End of the Line” needs Scorching Mights, Fungal Nuclei, Fungal Spores, Luminescent Pollen, and Crystalline Cyst Dust.
Final Words
We hope you like our article on how to get the End of the Line fish bow in Genshin Impact. Players of Genshin Impact can now get a new 4-star Bow for nothing thanks to Sumeru Fishing Association as part of the game’s massive 3.0 update, which also introduced the Dendro nation of Sumeru. Fish captured in Sumeru can be redeemed for the End of the Line Bow at the Sumeru Fishing Association. Players can make a similar trade with the Inazuma Fishing Association, exchanging Inazuma native fish for The Catch, a 4-star Polearm weapon.