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This tip is about the how to Setup & Enable Active Hours in Windows 11. So read this free guide, How to Setup & Enable Active Hours in Windows 11 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Setup & Enable Active Hours in Windows 11 – Guide
In Windows 11, “active time” can be a feature which helps to lessen the potential results of abrupt restarts to utilize system updates. The feature works by fetch and train after you are active to use PC and reset schedule when device is not in use. So, get to know how to organize active hours in Windows 11.
How to set active time on a Windows 11/10 PC
Since the release of Windows 10, Windows Update has received a lot of controversy over how updates are scheduled. Earlier versions of Windows gave users more control over updates. In Windows 10, Microsoft makes updates a mandatory part of maintaining your system up Until the present date. There are good reasons for this. I’ve come across computers that are rarely updated, which can easily leave a system vulnerable to attack. Of course there has to be a balance. One of the main complaints about Windows Update when Windows 10 was first released was its disruptive nature. Nothing was more irritating than going back to finish some work on your PC only to find it restarted due to an update.
Subsequent Windows 10 updates have brought back some control over updates and offer flexibility in scheduling their installation. Active Hours (added in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update) is a feature that Windows 10 reports when you use your PC. And during this time, Windows will not automatically restart your device to install updates. The set period of time tells Windows that your computer cannot be restarted to install an update.
How to enable active hours in Windows 11/10
Starting with Windows 10 version 1903, there are two ways to enable active time. You can let the system set active hours automatically based on your activities, or you can set a specific time range manually.
Enabling automatic active hours
To enable automatic active hours in Windows 10, follow these steps.
Turn on the toggle Automatically adjust active hours for this device based on activity. Once you’ve completed these steps, Windows 10 will analyze how you use your device and set your active hours automatically. Also, this means that as the Screen Time schedule changes, the active hours will adjust accordingly.
Custom active hours settings
To manually set active hours on your device to avoid sudden restarts, follow these steps.
After completing the steps, if there is an update pending, the computer will only restart outside the active hours you specified, preventing interruptions while you work.
How to reschedule automatic restart in Windows 11/10
To schedule a restart to apply an update outside of active hours, follow these steps.
Final note
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