Table of Contents
Today, in this article, we show you how to use block storage to increase space on Nextcloud instance???????? The original open source software from 2016 known as Nextcloud allows you to manage a private cloud storage service. It contains attributes similar to other services like Dropbox.
Linux users can install Nextcloud server software for free and Windows, OS X or Linux users can install Nextcloud client software. Both Android and iOS have mobile apps available. Many of the original OwnCloud team members who forked the project to create Nextcloud. While there are many similarities between the two projects, their interfaces and respective licensing agreements, particularly for Enterprise editions, are different.
O features accessible to your account are controlled by the Nextcloud partner if you choose the simple approach and let them build up a fully hosted cloud for you. While premium accounts typically grant full administrator access, allowing you to install programs and modify your heart’s content, free fully hosted accounts often restrict access to features such as file versioning and end-to-end encryption. We have mentioned below the steps to use block storage to increase space on Nextcloud instance.
Steps to use block storage to increase space on Nextcloud instance
Context up the volume of block storage
Step 1: first use SSH to login to your Nextcloud instance:
Step 2: if we run df -hwe can see the current list of attached storage volumes:
df -h
Step 3: The second command presented on the panel will end up creating a directory on which to mount the volume:
sudo mkdir “/mnt/nextcloud-data”
Step 4: The third command will actually mount the new volume for your file system???????? Be sure to use the panel command, the following is just shown as an example of what it usually looks like:
sudo mount “/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0Linode_Volume_nextcloud-data”
Step 5: Then check the output of df command and make sure the new volume is listed in the output:
df -h
Step 6: Then let’s make sure that update /etc/fstab to the new volume to ensure it is automatically mounted every time the server starts up????????
sudo nano /etc/fstab
Step 7: Inside the panel, the correct line to add for the new volume will be presented there, so you can simply copy and paste that line in /etc/fstab file????????
Context up block storage with Nextcloud
Now that we have a new block storage volume, Nextcloud still won’t use it. So what we will do is define up the new volume to become the storage volume for the Nextcloud data.
Step 1: First, cd into the Nextcloud app directory on your server. This path will vary from installation to installation, but in the previous article/video, we used the following directory (at least in my case):
Step 2: Note that within that directory, there is a subdirectory called data. You will probably have some files/directories inside that data directory. Continue using cd to change to the data directory, then move its contents to the block storage device:
mv * /mnt/nextcloud-data/
Step 3: Now that we’ve moved the contents of the current data directory to the new block storage volume, we can tell Nextcloud to use that volume for its data. Inside the config directoryyou should have a config line that matches the data directory:
‘datadirectory’ => ‘/var/www/’,
Step 4: Update the path section, enclosed in single quotes, to the path to the newly mounted data volume that we to define up????????
‘datadirectory’ => ‘/mnt/nextcloud-data’,
Step 5: Double-check the previous data directory and see if there are any hidden files there. If so, make sure you to move also if the previous command didn’t do it:
mv .htaccess .ocdata /mnt/nextcloud-data
Step 6: To be on the safe side, make sure the permissions in the data folder (in terms of ownership) are applied to the new storage volume????????
sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /mnt/nextcloud-data
Final Words
We hope you enjoy our article on how to use block storage to increase space on your Nextcloud instance. You can use all features of Nextcloud features if you put up your own instance, either self-hosted or on your own web space (more on that later). the main popular features from Nextcloud are listed here, but you can choose from over a hundred apps to greatly increase its functionality.