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This tip is about the how to add a printer in Windows 11 PC. So read this free guide, How to add a printer in Windows 11 PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to add a printer in Windows 11 PC – Guide
Anyone who ever had to set up a printer knows it can be an irritating process. There’s a reason the printer-crushing scene in “Office Space” still resonates with so many people, even though the movie is out – it doesn’t feel like the experience has improved much in the last few decades. However, Microsoft has gone above and beyond to make adding a printer in Windows 11 as easy as possible, so at least we have that to ourselves.
This guide does not cover all aspects of configuration up a printer. The category is very broad in terms of availability features, underlying technologies, and vendor-specific quirks to go into detail. Instead, let’s explain how to add a printer to windows 11 after it is already set up. We still need to generalize a bit as the process can vary from device to device, but the main aspects of the process should be pretty similar. If you have a wired printer via USB or a wireless printer on your Wi-Fi network, or a Bluetooth printer, printer setup in Windows 11 is easy. Windows can also install printer drivers automatically.
Adding a Printer on Windows 11 PC
How to Troubleshoot printer problems
Unfortunately, printers are notoriously fickle machines. Here are some general troubleshooting steps you can take to try to resolve detection or printing issues.
Restart Windows 11
Double check the instructions
Manufacturer drivers
Final note
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